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Нобелевская премия по литературе не будет вручаться в 2018 году

Нобелевский комитет объявил о том, что не будет вручать премию по литературе в 2018 году, решение о присуждении премии будет принято позднее.

Решение принято в связи со скандалами в Шведской академии. В 2019 году вручение Нобелевской премии по литературе будет возобновлено.

Пресс-релиз академии:

Press release, 4 May 2018

The Nobel Foundation supports the Swedish Academy’s decision to postpone the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature

The Swedish Academy has decided to postpone the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature, with the intention of awarding it in 2019. According to the Swedish Foundations Act, the Nobel Foundation is ultimately responsible for fulfilling the intentions in the will of Alfred Nobel. During the past several weeks, we have pursued a continuous dialogue with the Swedish Academy, and we support Thursday’s decision.

In principle, the Nobel Prize shall be awarded every year, but decisions on Nobel Prizes have been postponed on a number of occasions during the history of the prizes. One of the circumstances that may justify an exception is when a situation in a prize-awarding institution arises that is so serious that a prize decision will not be perceived as credible.

The crisis in the Swedish Academy has adversely affected the Nobel Prize. Their decision underscores the seriousness of the situation and will help safeguard the long-term reputation of the Nobel Prize. None of this impacts the awarding of the 2018 Nobel Prizes in other prize categories.

The Nobel Foundation presumes that the Swedish Academy will now put all its efforts into the task of restoring its credibility as a prize-awarding institution and that the Academy will report the concrete actions that are undertaken. We also assume that all members of the Academy realise that both its extensive reform efforts and its future organisational structure must be characterised by greater openness towards the outside world.

Carl-Henrik Heldin, Chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation